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  • 0379-63892008
  • 河南省 洛阳市
  • 河南省
  • 2020-02-03 15:24:33
  • 更新日期:2020-02-0315:25:31
  • www.lyszxyy.com
  • 郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院 洛阳市中心医院、洛阳市第二人民医院
  • 网站简介与说明


郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院(洛阳市中心医院)始建于1950年6月,是集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健、康复、急救为一体的综合性“三级甲等”医院。医院位于中州中路288号,占地面积5万平方米,建筑面积17.5万平方米。现有在职职工2672人,其中高级职称专家273人,硕士、博士553人。设置有70余个业务科室,61个临床病区,实际开放床位2144张。设有院士工作站,妇科为国家临床重点专科建设项目及河南省重点学科,心血管病学、肿瘤治疗学、医学影像超声诊断学为河南省重点学科,专科护理重症学、医学影像放射诊断学为河南省重点培育专科, 消化内科等4个洛阳市重点专科。2018年门诊量111.2万人次,出院量8.9万人次,手术量3.9万人次。

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  • 网站百科资料


 郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院(洛阳市中心医院)始建于1950年6月,是集医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健、康复、急救为一体的综合性“三级甲等”医院。医院位于中州中路288号,占地面积5万平方米,建筑面积17.5万平方米。现有在职职工2672人,其中高级职称专家273人,硕士、博士553人。设置有70余个业务科室,61个临床病区,实际开放床位2144张。设有院士工作站,妇科为国家临床重点专科建设项目及河南省重点学科,心血管病学、肿瘤治疗学、医学影像超声诊断学为河南省重点学科,专科护理重症学、医学影像放射诊断学为河南省重点培育专科, 消化内科等4个洛阳市重点专科。2018年门诊量111.2万人次,出院量8.9万人次,手术量3.9万人次。






















    设立 “天使爱心基金”等项目,救助贫困先心病患儿。坚持实施“先住院,后付费”的诊疗模式,每年先期垫付资金6000多万元,确保病人得到及时救治。坚持免费救助无主病人,彰显人道主义和社会责任。常年组织“健康教育专家巡讲团”深入社区、机关、农村进行健康讲座和义诊服务,扎实开展对口支援、援疆、援外等工作,免费接收县、乡及社区基层医务人员进修学习,开展远程会诊服务,惠及基层百姓。 


    步入新时代,中心医院人将继续秉承“诚信 仁爱 笃学 精医”的院训,发扬“团结 敬业 务实 创新”的医院精神,坚持“患者至上 真诚关爱”的服务理念,为实现“ 建设中原名院”的梦想,为人民群众的健康谱写出新的华彩乐章!    



Luoyang Central Hospital

Luoyang Central Hospital ( Luoyang Central Hospital Affiliated to Zhengzhou University),was founded in June 1950, involving medical, pedagogical, academic activities, preventive care, health protection, recovery as well as emergency, and functioning as a 3A comprehensive hospital. The hospital is located in Xigong district, Zhongzhouzhong Road, No.288, and covers an area of 50,000m2, and 175,000m2 of total construction area. There are 2,672 staff members, including 272 professionals with senior title, and 549 with master’s or doctor’s degree, as well as more than 70 vocational departments and 61 clinical wings, with an actual bed capacity of 2,144. Academician workstation is established within the hospital, besides which gynecology is both national clinical key specialty construction project and provincial key discipline, and cardiology, oncology, medical imaging ultrasound technology as the key subjects in Henan Province, specialist nursing care and medical imaging radiology diagnostic technology as provincial key cultivation, digestive internal medicine and other 4 departments as municipal key specialists. LCH has received nearly 1,112,000 outpatients, got 89,000 people discharged, and completed nearly 39,000 cases operations in 2018. 

The hospital is the National Institute of Health and Planning Commission standardization of oncology diagnosis and therapy, information construction and clinical pathway pilot site, the State Health and Family Planning Commission, the first stroke screening and prevention base and advanced stroke center, the national core unit of the clinical medical research center for obstetric and gynecological diseases, municipal clinical research center of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine, municipal center for Nursing Care, general practitioners’ base, Luoyang branch of provincial remote medical consultation center, municipal clinical quality control centers of severe subjects including intensive medicine, anesthesia, pathology, tumor radiotherapy, nosocomial infection management, clinical testing and quality of care, and also issued as four municipal key laboratories including "Institute of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases", "Institute of Thoracic Diseases" and  "Institute of Digestive Disease". LCH is the teaching hospital of more than 10 higher medical colleges and universities within or outside Henan province, such as Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Medical College of Zhengzhou University and Xinxiang Medical College.

Strong professional and technical strength. 

Surgeries performed by the cardiac surgery team led by Dr. Chen Xingpeng, such as aortic dissection aneurysm, emergency coronary artery bypass grafting, and ultra-low-intensity complex congenital heart disease surgery have been at domestic leading level. They innovatively performed minimally invasive surgery for congenital heart disease and coronary artery bypass grafting. A total of 1,086cardiac surgeries were completed in 2018, which ranked first in the province. The comprehensive technologies of malignant tumors therapy, level three or four endoscopic surgery, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor disorders disease carried out by the National Key Specialist Department of Gynecology have remained at the forefront of the province. The Department of Reproductive Medicine, the first batch of prefecture-level hospitals in Henan Province, has been approved by the Ministry of Health to carry out in-vitro fertilization technology, which has reached provincial advanced level. More than 2,320 cases of test-tube babies were born in 2018, ranking first in Luoyang or even in Henan Province. Seizing the opportunity of National Advanced Stroke Center Construction, emergency green channel has been established based on multi-disciplinary cooperation, creating a first-class cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medical center in the Central Plains and saving lives of numerous of critically ill cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients.

Widely usage of minimally invasive techniques. 

Many departments including thoracoscopic, urological, general surgery, orthopedics, otolaryngology and neurosurgery carry out various of minimally invasive operations in complex diseases with the applications of thoracoscopy, laparoscopy, arthroscopy and nasal endoscopy. Endoscopic surgeries account for approximately 80%, Among which the ERCP, ESD, and EUS techniques performed by the department of gastroenterology led the trend of minimally invasive surgery in the western part of Henan Province.

Rapid promotion of scientific research level.

 In December 2011, the hospital became the affiliated hospital of Zhengzhou University and realized the leap from social hospital to university hospital. After unremitting efforts in recent years, hospital teaching and training capabilities, scientific research and academic capabilities have been rapidly improved. At present, there are academician’s workstations, postdoctoral research and development bases, translational medicine centers, Luoyang key laboratory of liver cancer individual treatment and other key laboratories, and successfully passed the National Drug Clinical Trial Institute (GCP) accreditation, which effectively promote the scientific research results to the rapid transformation of the clinical and bring benefit to people. During 2013 to 2017, a total of 25 provincial and municipal scientific research achievements were obtained, including 5 national and provincial natural funds; 2,965 articles were published, of which 97 were cited by SCI, and 240 were Chinese medical series or core journals.

Sincere care for the service of patients.

 We make full use of the information mediums, optimize the service process. We carry out medical treatment with one card, appointment register in various ways, self-service payment, report printed automatically and other services, to make it convenient for patients and reduce the waiting time. We insist on the system of hospital director reception day and chief on duty in outpatient service, develop the one-stop service and volunteers service activities, to resolve various problems in time for patients. We innovate the nursing service mode constantly, highlight the humanistic care from details. The clinic service center and the beds deployment center were set to provide the convenient and efficient services throughout for inpatients. Encouraging nursing service innovations, small innovations drive great changes in service concept. Carrying out extended services, volunteers insist on providing the rehabilitation guidance and health education services for patient whose activity is discommodity.

Responsibility and kindheartedness. 

We established the “Angel love fund”, to help children with impaired congenital heart disease. We insist on the “pay after hospitalization” treatment mode, set up about 60,000,000 advanced funds every year, to make sure patients get timely treatment. We adhere to rescue the patient without relatives for free, to demonstrate the humanistic care and social responsibility. We organize the health education expert tour every year, providing health education lectures and free clinic in communities, organs and rural areas, carry out counterpart assistance, aid to XinJiang and foreign. We provide free advanced training for grassroots medical workers from counties, townships and communities and remote consultation service, to benefit the common people.    

Hard work always pays off. The hospital has successively won the National Advanced Unit of the Health System, the Civilized Unit of Henan Province, the Advanced Unit of Health Education in Henan Province, the Advanced Unit of “Three Goods and One Satisfaction” in Henan Province, and the Advanced Unit of the Construction of Health System in Henan Province, and become the “People Satisfied Hospital in Henan Province”. Dean Yawei Li was awarded the title of Outstanding Hospital President issued by Chinese Medical Doctor Association in 2016.

The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron, yet with firm strides, we are conquering its summit. Each member of LCH will continue to insist on the hospital motto of “Integrity, Love, Studious, Excellence”, carry forward our spirit of “Unity, Dedicated, Pragmatic, Innovation”, and carry on the service concept of “Patients first, Sincere care”. We will be dedicated to the health care of our patients and realize the dream of “Being one of the best hospital in central China”.


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